Photolithography usually utilizes photoresist chemicals, developer solutions (like TMAH), anti-reflective coatings, and solvents sourced from outside suppliers. The quality of your solvents, like IPA or acetone, is typically trivial and won’t have a big impact on your process. However, photoresist chemicals will determine the quality of your photolithography process.
Photoresist manufacturing is a complex task that combines high-precision chemical formulation, strict quality control, and fine craftsmanship. The accurate execution of each step is crucial.
Ensuring the accurate weight of photoresists in each container during the filling process is essential and impacts not only the consistency of product quality but also the economic efficiency and market reputation of the company.
In this critical process, industrial weighing technology becomes the cornerstone of photoresist quality, especially in the accurate measurement of raw materials, precise control of ingredients, accurate filling, and final quality inspection of products.
Poor raw chemicals will lead to uneven coatings and unaccelerated lithography. The chemical stability and sensitivity of the photoresist materials are often linked to the pH of the solution, which can efficiently be measured using METTLER TOLEDO pH meters and sensors.