Testlodd for vekter


Perfekt designet for å støtte testing og kalibrering av vekter

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Single Test Weights for Scales and Balances
Weight Sets
Reference Weights and Microgram Weights

Single Test Weights

Weight Sets

Reference Weights and Microgram Weights


High-quality OIML and ASTM Weights protected in a robust and easy-to-clean plastic container.
Expertly manufactured OIML and ASTM Weight Sets supplied in a solid easy-to-clean aluminum or plastic case.
Weights for highest metrological performance and specialized applications.
Unique solution for convenient routing testing in OIML and ASTM Weights.
Long-Life Test Weights
The finest quality stainless steel offers the highest resistance to corrosion over a weight’s lifetime.
Calibration Certificate Needed?
Calibration certificates document that test weights are fit-for-purpose - requested e.g. by internal quality assurance, ISO 9001, FDA or GMP.
Protection and Durability
Robust and easy-to-clean plastic containers maintain test-weight integrity and accuracy.
Individual Weight Sets
Choose the weight set you need from 1 mg up to 5 kg. Add calibration certificates to provide reassurance that measurements can be validated at any time.
Protection and Longevity
Robust, easy-to-clean aluminum (OIML E1-F1) or plastic (ASTM 1-4 and OIML F1-M1) cases protect the integrity of the weights.
Marking Weights with Identical Values
If two weights in the set have the same nominal value, they are marked differently.
Mass Standard Calibration
We offer high-grade stainless steel knob and wire weights for weight calibrations and as reference weights in mass calibration services.
“E0” Reference Weights
Class "E0" weights (with a higher accuracy than OIML class E1 weights) enable calibration of mass standards at the highest metrological performance. Range: 0.05 mg up to 50 kg.
Microgram Weights for Specialized Applications
Microgram weights (50 µg to 500 µg) offer a test weight solution beyond traditional weighing boundaries.
Efficient Routine Testing
A CarePac contains everything you need for efficient balance routine testing in accordance with USP chapter 41 and GWP®.
Just Two Weights
According to GWP® two test weights are sufficient: at 5% capacity (repeatability) and at 100% capacity (sensitivity and eccentricity)
Comprehensive Solution
CarePac sets are supplied with a calibration certificate and professional weight-handling accessories so routine tests can be performed without worry.
Crane Test Weights for Sale / Heavy Capacity Test Weights
Grip Handle Test Weights

Crane Test Weights / Heavy Capacity Test Weights

Grip Handle Test Weights

Stackable cast iron and stainless steel weights for scales with maximum capacity of several tons.
Stainless Steel and cast iron grip handle weights for testing of scales with maximum capacity up to 200 kg.
Heavy Capacity Test Weights
Unique design for safe lifting
Grip Handle Weights
Easy handling designed for routine testing
Single Test Weights for Scales and Balances

High-quality OIML and ASTM Weights protected in a robust and easy-to-clean plastic container.

Weight Sets

Expertly manufactured OIML and ASTM Weight Sets supplied in a solid easy-to-clean aluminum or plastic case.

Reference Weights and Microgram Weights

Weights for highest metrological performance and specialized applications.


Unique solution for convenient routing testing in OIML and ASTM Weights.

Crane Test Weights for Sale / Heavy Capacity Test Weights

Stackable cast iron and stainless steel weights for scales with maximum capacity of several tons.

Grip Handle Test Weights

Stainless Steel and cast iron grip handle weights for testing of scales with maximum capacity up to 200 kg.



Brosjyre: OIML-lodd
Brosjyre: Loddkompetanse
Tips og triks: 12 praktiske tips for korrekt håndtering av lodd
White Paper: Sikker sporbarhet i testing av vekt