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Electronic engineering deals with electrical circuits that involve components such as transistors, diodes, wires and integrated circuits which are usually mounted on printed circuit boards (PCB boards). The application area and lifetime of these components depend strongly on their thermal and mechanical properties. Thermal analysis is key in the design and production of PCB boards of electronic components.
In this Webinar, we will show how thermal analysis is applied to investigate materials for the electronics industry. We will present some typical examples of samples measured by DSC, TGA, TMA, or DMA.
In the webinar titled "Thermal Analysis of Electronics", we demonstrate how thermal analysis is used to characterize the thermal and mechanical properties of many types of components and products as well as to monitor production processes.
Electronics deals with electronic devices, systems, and circuits that involve components such as transistors, diodes, wires and integrated circuits. In practical use, these devices are usually mounted on printed circuit boards.
As we will see, thermal analysis can be used to characterize the thermal and mechanical properties of many types of components and products as well as to monitor production processes.
The most important effects that can be analyzed by DSC are the melting point, melting range and melting behavior. DSC is also used to determine the heat of fusion, the glass transition, and oxidation stability.
TGA measures weight changes. The main applications of TGA are content determination, thermal stability, decomposition kinetics, and the analysis of composition.
TMA is normally used to study the expansion or shrinkage of materials and the glass transition.
DMA is used to determine the modulus and damping behavior of materials.