Dropping / Softening Point Instruments​

Measuring Solutions for Dropping and Softening Point ​

Dropping and softening point determination are simple methods to characterize materials that gradually soften as the temperature rises and melt over a relatively large temperature interval. METTLER TOLEDO’s Excellence Dropping Point Systems offer the possibility of measuring these thermal values accurately, automatically, and with just one click of a button. Smart accessories and consumables further optimize your workflow.​

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What are common samples to be tested with dropping point systems?

Dropping point testers are used to determine the dropping and softening points of ointments, synthetic and natural resins, rosins, edible fats, greases, waxes, fatty acid esters, pitch, asphalt, tars, bitumen, and many more materials.

Get useful tips and hints for correct sample preparation of different dropping point and softening point samples.

How do I measure dropping points correctly at sub-ambient temperatures?

Edible oils, fats, and organic solvents can be solidified and measured at low temperatures. Substances often need to be cooled or frozen for a sufficient amount of time prior to the dropping point measurement. The METTLER TOLEDO Excellence Dropping Point System DP90 performs dropping point measurements down to -20 °C. Place the separate DP90 measurement cell, the furnace, and the optical detection system, in a refrigerator or a freezer until the required temperature is attained.