LabX Software for Laboratory Instruments

Integrate Your Lab for Efficient, Compliant and Seamless Processes

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laboratory connection
compliance labx laboratory software
efficiency labx laboratory software
LabX Titration Software
LabX Balance Software
LabX UV Vis Software

LabX Titration Software

LabX Balance Software

LabX UV Vis Software

LabX™ Titration software connects to your laboratory instruments and speeds titration analyses via electronic data flow, while ensuring flexibility and compliance across all users.
LabX™ Balance software offers central control of instruments, tasks and users, SOP guidance on the balance terminal, and elimination of manual transcription.
LabX™ UV Vis Spectrophotometer software stores all your data automatically in a secure database to support easy result handling. Stay compliant with automated performance verification.
LabX pH Software
LabX Density and Refractometry Software
LabX Melting Point Software

LabX pH Software

LabX Density and Refractometry Software

LabX Melting Point Software

LabX™ pH software connected to the SevenExcellence™ pH Meter provides full data integrity. In combination with the InMotion™ Autosampler, it enables automated measurements of more than 300 samples.
LabX™ Density and Refractometry software provides electronic data management, supports compliance and connects your instruments for simultaneous analyses.
LabX™ Melting Point software provides secure and flexible data handling, and supports compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 and seamless integration into LIMS, ELN or ERP systems.
LabX Titration Software

LabX™ Titration software connects to your laboratory instruments and speeds titration analyses via electronic data flow, while ensuring flexibility and compliance across all users.

LabX Balance Software

LabX™ Balance software offers central control of instruments, tasks and users, SOP guidance on the balance terminal, and elimination of manual transcription.

LabX UV Vis Software

LabX™ UV Vis Spectrophotometer software stores all your data automatically in a secure database to support easy result handling. Stay compliant with automated performance verification.

LabX pH Software

LabX™ pH software connected to the SevenExcellence™ pH Meter provides full data integrity. In combination with the InMotion™ Autosampler, it enables automated measurements of more than 300 samples.

LabX Density and Refractometry Software

LabX™ Density and Refractometry software provides electronic data management, supports compliance and connects your instruments for simultaneous analyses.

LabX Melting Point Software

LabX™ Melting Point software provides secure and flexible data handling, and supports compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 and seamless integration into LIMS, ELN or ERP systems.


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Tailor LabX Laboratory Software to Your Needs


Step 1: Select Your Starter Pack

Starter Pack Express
LabX™ Express Edition, which runs on a local computer, connects up to three instruments. The starter pack includes one instrument license.

Starter Pack Server
LabX Server Edition connects up to 60 instruments over multiple computers. The starter pack includes one instrument license as well as the user management and auto import/export license options. 

Step 2: Configure License Options According to Application Needs

User Management: Lets you centrally maintain and control users and roles.
Product Database: Enables central management of product data and parameters; allows users to run methods based on products.
Auto Import/Export: Allows automatic import and export of data with csv or xml file format.
Statistics/Trending: Permits analysis of measurements and monitoring of processes in line with applicable regulations.
Regulation: Fully supports regulatory requirements including 21 CFR Part 11 and EU Annex 11.
Report Designer: Enables configuration of advanced reports with data in chart, graph and table formats.  
System Integration: Permits integration with lab informatics systems (LIMS, ELN, ERP) using API webservices.  
STAReX Integration: Coordinates automatic transfer of weight values into STARe thermal analysis software.

Step 4: Choose Your Software Service

Software Care Standard: The latest software relases and remote support are included. 

Software Care Comprehensive: Always profit from the latest software releases, as well as remote or on-site service.

On-Demand LabX Services: Choose the additional services you need to complete your system.


service labx laboratory software



LabX Product Brochure
This product brochure gives you an overview of the LabX™ laboratory software, which connects your METTLER TOLEDO laboratory instruments.



1. What is LabX?

LabX™ is a laboratory software package that connects to METTLER TOLEDO balances, titrators, pH meters, UV Vis spectrophotometers, density- and refractometers, melting point systems, and automation instruments and solutions. LabX facilitates increased productivity through digitalization, electronic data management and workflow guidance, to meet regulatory standards and achieve data integrity with a single software solution for many instruments. It can fulfill CSV (computerized system validation) requirements while also reducing complexity and effort for maintenance and training.

LabX Software for Laboratory Instruments
labx laboratory software logo


2. Which instruments can be connected to LabX?

LabX software can connect to METTLER TOLEDO analytical balances, precision balances, microbalances and ultra micro balances, automated Quantos dosing systems, compact titrators, excellence titrators, Karl Fischer titrators, pH meters, UV Vis spectrophotometers, refractometers, density meters, and melting point devices. It is used as an electronic notebook to easily meet ALCOA+ principles with various measurement instruments and devices.

LabX Software for Laboratory Instruments
laboratory instruments connected



3. How does LabX support 21 CFR Part 11 compliance?

LabX laboratory software's regulatory option provides all necessary tools, including electronic signatures and an audit trail, to meet the FDA regulation 21 CFR Part 11 for data management and storage. It has the technical controls for compliance that can monitor meta data and provide data traceability in the laboratory.



4. Do I need a PC next to the instrument?

No, the PC can be located elsewhere. Relevant information or actions from LabX can be accessed directly at the instrument screen, so the user only interacts with the instrument. All laboratory data is easily accessed and at your fingertips.


5. How does LabX support requirements for data integrity?

LabX collects and stores complete raw data and contextual metadata in a secure SQL database in accordance with ALCOA+ standards that fulfill data governance regulations.

LabX Software for Laboratory Instruments
data integrity guide



6. Why do we need LabX when LIMS can connect directly to our instruments?

Integrating instruments into a LIMS system requires programmed interfaces for each instrument, which creates significant costs and effort (initial programming, maintenance, validation, updates and more). Connection of METTLER TOLEDO instruments to a LabX system only requires integration, validation and maintenance of a single LIMS interface. It fulfills CSV (computerized system validation) regulations for streamlined compliance and audit activities.




7. Can LabX be integrated with ERP, LIMS, ELN, LES or other lab systems?

Yes, LabX laboratory software has been developed for straightforward integration of data and e-records into lab systems. With LabX, all connected METTLER TOLEDO instruments and their complete data can be managed from a single interface, significantly reducing effort for initial programming, maintenance and validation.