O2 Analyzer InTap portable

For Maximum Beer Quality Monitoring.The InTap meter, with internal optical dissolved oxygen sensor, samples and measures DO values at-line for optimum control of beer production. It also serves as a tool for convenient calibration of in-line optical DO sensors.

Reduce calibration workload by 50%

Calibrate in-line sensors on-the-fly via Bluetooth interface. For convenient calibration of in-line optical DO sensors.

Proven optical technology

Contains high performance DO sensor using optical measurement technology, now accepted as standard in brewery applications.

Safeguards measurement point security

Measures and documents up to 99 measurement points electronically.

Material No.: 30425550

Portable Optical Dissolved Oxygen Meter
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Технические характеристики - O2 Analyzer InTap portable
Измеряемый параметр
Диапазон измерения (концентрации)
0 ppb
2 000 ppb
Погрешность измерения
≤± [1% +2ppb]
Время отклика (2)
Основная среда / область применения
Пищевая промышленность
12В постоянного тока, 2,5A
Подключение к технологической линии
Устойчивый к CIP
Степень защиты
Рабочий диапазон
0–2000 ppb
Класс защиты (3)
Параметр (параметры)
РК/O2 (газ)
Источник питания
Номинал 12 В постоянного тока
Время работы от батареек
до 24ч
Предел чувствительности
2 ppb

Quick, convenient calibration

After measuring DO concentration at the sampling point and if calibration of the in-line sensor's required, the InTap uses Bluetooth technology to transfer the calibration data. The in-line sensor is then adjusted automatically.

Accurate measurement down to low ppb

InTap utilizes the same optical technology as METTLER TOLEDO low ppb optical DO sensor (InPro 6970i) and measures accurately down to 2 ppb. These low values are needed in filling lines and production lines to avoid out-of-spec product.

Data safety throughout production

Data for up to 99 measurement points are recorded by the InTap portable dissolved oxygen meter and is saved on a USB drive for further documentation.

Traceable point-by-point measurement

Measurement point tracking in InTap means operators can easily tie measurement data to different places in production, and maintain records point-by-point for traceability and documentation purposes.



Operation Manual for InTap Portable oDO Analyzer
The InTap™ portable oDO analyzer must only be connected, commissioned, and maintained by qualified specialists in full compliance with the instruction...


Расходные материалы

Программное обеспечение

Оформление запроса
O2 Analyzer InTap portable
USP Class VI