ReactIR 45P HL Process FTIR

Process FTIR for Classified or Hazardous Area Use

Transferring a chemical process from the lab to manufacturing can be difficult. In situ process FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) with ReactIR 45P HL provides in-depth reaction understanding, identifies process upsets and determines reaction initiation, progression and endpoint. ReactIR 45P HL enables processes to be successfully moved from the lab to the pilot plant and production while meeting the stringent safety requirements of electrical equipment used in a hazardous or classified area. By tracking critical parameters in real-time, process design and quality is improved and variation in continuous processes as well as batch failures are eliminated.

Sampling technology is available for almost all chemistries and reactions – and for under any process conditions. These probes and sensors are suitable for studying hydrogenationsGrignard reactionshalogenations and acid chloride reactions as well as many other chemistries.

*ReactIR 45P Process FTIR is also available in a General Purpose (GP) configuration for those field environments where area classified or hazardous safety compliance is not required for electrical equipment.

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Технические характеристики - ReactIR 45P HL Process FTIR

Для использования в
Лабораторные, опытно-промышленные или промышленные установки
iC Process
Оптический диапазон (базовый блок)
4000 – 650 см-1
Требования к продувке
Размеры (ВxШxГ)
774 mm x 457 mm x 310 mm
45 kg
Передача данных
Оптический соединитель LC для Ethernet TCP/IP, дуплексный оптоволоконный кабель
Разрешающая способность
4 см -1 макс.
Рабочий диапазон (темп.)
0 °C – 35 °C
Оптическое окно зонда
4000-650 см-1 (Sentinel)
2500 –650 см-1 макс. (оптоволоконный зонд)
Материалы, контактирующие со средой
Алмаз или кремний
Сплав C-22
Давление на зонд (максимальное)
69 бар (оптоволоконный зонд 6,3 мм и 9,5 мм)
107 бар (зонд Sentinel)
Температура зонда (максимальная)
180°C (оптоволоконный зонд)
200°C (зонд Sentinel)
Сертификат безопасности
NFPA 496, Class I, Division 1, Groups B, T4
Классификация зоны – ВЗРЫВООПАСНАЯ, знак MET E112462, UL61010-1 и CSA C22.2 № 61010-1
Сертификат ATEX - TRAC12ATEX0001X, маркировка оборудования - Ex d op pr px [ia IIC] IIB+H2 T4 Gb
Диапазон значений pН (зонд)
1 – 9 (кремний)
1 – 14 (алмазы)
Степень защиты

Буклеты об оборудовании

ReactIR 45P Datasheet
Successfully move processes from lab to pilot plant and production with in-situ process FTIR spectroscopy. Gain in-depth reaction understanding, ident...
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Transfer critical control parameters determined in the laboratory to the production environment. Follow the impact on the process in production.
iC IR Software Datasheet
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iC Quant for iC Software
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iC IR Software
iC IR is used by chemists and engineers to gain important insight into reaction initiation, endpoint, mechanism, pathway, and kinetics.
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Оформление запроса
ReactIR 45P HL Process FTIR