System ReactIR 702L, TEMCT

ReactIR 702L

TE-Cooled MCT

Solid-state detector cooling delivers high performance without the need for liquid nitrogen.

System ReactIR 701L, LN2

ReactIR 701L

Liquid Nitrogen MCT

High-sensitivity detector with >24 hour hold time for demanding applications.

ReactIR 45P HL Process FTIR

ReactIR 45P

Process FTIR

Transfer reaction understanding across scales, from the laboratory to classified plant areas.

Изучение механизма реакции в каждом эксперименте

Изучение механизма реакции в каждом эксперименте

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Real-Time Reaction Analysis Guide

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ReactIR™ Spectroscopy in Peer-Reviewed Publications

ReactIR™ Spectroscopy in Peer-Reviewed Publications

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7 Key Crystallization Mechanisms

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Monitoring of Reaction Mechanisms

Monitoring Reaction Mechanisms Inline

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Aluminum Adjuvant Chemistry

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What is in-situ FTIR spectroscopy?

In-situ FTIR spectroscopy is a technique used in chemical analysis that allows for the real-time observation of a chemical reaction as it occurs, without interfering with the reaction itself. In-situ FTIR spectroscopy involves the use of a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer to monitor the changes in the infrared spectra of the reaction components over time. This technique is particularly useful for studying the mechanism of chemical reactions and determining the reaction kinetics, which is crucial in understanding the reaction pathways and optimizing reaction conditions.

What types of FTIR probes do you offer?

Our DST Sampling Technology allows you to study chemistry under a wide variety of conditions. From -80 °C to 250 °C, up to 200 bar, and in almost every reaction condition, reactions and processes can be studied in real time

  • ATR-FTIR fiber probes
  • Diamond ATR fiber
  • Silicon ATR fiber probes
  • Flow cells

Why in-situ FTIR analysis over offline methods?

Using inline FTIR for reaction analysis offers numerous advantages over traditional offline methods. With offline analysis, taking samples for HPLC analysis can result in losing key information for certain chemistries or be complicated for samples that are toxic, hazardous, or sensitive to air or pressure. Offline analysis also requires you to be present to take samples and wait for results before reaction analysis can even begin. These issues can lead to incorrect pathway hypotheses, erroneous data, longer development times, and even missed critical events that impact product or process quality.

ReactIR spectrometers are designed to overcome these challenges by enabling real-time observation of intermediates during a reaction without disrupting it. This allows you to obtain representative samples and better understand toxic, explosive, or pressure systems, leading to more accurate pathway hypotheses and faster development times. In summary, inline FTIR allows for more efficient and reliable analysis of chemical reactions, ultimately leading to improved product quality and process efficiency.