Руководство по применению

pH Measurement of Plant-Based Proteins

Руководство по применению

Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Accurate Results with InLab Sensors

pH of plant-based proteins
pH of plant-based proteins

As the demand for plant-based proteins continues to grow, accurate pH measurement is essential to ensuring the safety, quality, texture, and flavor of these products. However, measuring the pH of such protein samples can be challenging. Some of the challenges typically encountered are clogging of the junction, fluctuating readings, and insufficient interactions of electrolytes with samples. METTLER TOLEDO's InLab® sensors provide a reliable solution for pH measurement of viscous and solid plant-based protein samples.

This application note provides in-depth guidance on overcoming these challenges and improving the pH measurement results for plant-based proteins. It also emphasizes the importance of following good electrochemistry practices and shares valuable sensor maintenance and storage tips.

Download the application note now to learn how to measure the pH of plant-based protein samples accurately and efficiently!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is pH measurement important for plant-based proteins?

Accurate pH measurement ensures plant-based protein products' safety, quality, texture, and flavor.

Can I use conventional pH sensors for plant-based protein samples?

Measuring the pH of such protein samples can be challenging, even more so with conventional pH sensors. For instance, the spherical bulb may break during insertion into the nuggets, or proteins might clog the sensor junction. METTLER TOLEDO's InLab® sensors provide a reliable solution for pH measurement of viscous and solid plant-based protein samples.

How often should I calibrate the sensor for measuring plant-based protein samples?

Calibrate the sensor regularly using METTLER TOLEDO pH buffer solutions before measuring the first sample of the day. If the number of samples exceeds 30 per day, the calibration must be repeated after completing half of the samples.


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