Руководство по применению

Dropping Point of Vaseline

Руководство по применению

Detailed Method to Determine the Dropping Point of Vaseline According to Chinese and European Pharmacopoeia

Correct and accurate dropping point measurements depend upon reliable instruments. Learn how to achieve compliant Vaseline® measurements according to the Chinese and European Pharmacopoeia.
Correct and accurate dropping point measurements depend upon reliable instruments. Learn how to achieve compliant Vaseline® measurements according to the Chinese and European Pharmacopoeia.

Importance of the Dropping Point of Vaseline

The term Vaseline® is used to define a paste of petroleum jelly. White Vaseline is white in color, odorless and has the ability to spin. It is mostly used as an ointment and a protective cream for the skin. It is compounded in some types of cosmetics. On the other hand, yellow Vaseline is light yellow in color. It is a semi-transparent ointment. It has a greasy feeling, known for its stringiness and also for its adhesive properties.

Refined petroleum jelly is safe to use, however unrefined petroleum jelly may contain harmful ingredients. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the quality of the products. Dropping point is one of the techniques that are used to serve this purpose.

Dropping Point Measurement Principle

The dropping point measurement principle is based on the detection of the first droplet of the molten substance that escapes from a standardized cup under controlled temperature program. The repeatability is ensured by measuring two samples simultaneously.

In this application note, you will learn about the sample preparation steps and dropping point measurement according to the Chinese and European Pharmacopoeia using the METTLER TOLEDO Dropping Point Excellence instrument models DP70 or DP90.

Download our free application note and benefit from our knowledge on measuring the dropping point of Vaseline®.

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