Руководство по применению

Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration

Руководство по применению

By Density or Refractive Index – Results within Seconds with No Reagents Required!

Hydrogen Peroxide determination by density and refractive index and compared with titration
Hydrogen Peroxide determination by density and refractive index and compared with titration

The Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) concentration is crucial to product quality control. Hydrogen Peroxide is used in a large variety of applications and industries as its consumption creates only oxygen and water, which is environmentally friendly. But the correct H2O2 concentration must be ensured due to the fact that is a very unstable molecule.

Many different techniques can be used to determine H2O2 concentration, such as titration. However, most of them imply the handling of unstable chemicals and the production of additional chemical waste.

In this application note, we explain how to perform a fast, simple and safe measurement procedure using Excellence Density Meters and Refractometers from METTLER TOLEDO. Results are comparable to other well-known techniques such as titration and can be seen when performing the same analysis with Titration Excellence. We offer tables with technical specifications and results that can help you choose the right instrument to better fit your needs.

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