Руководство по применению

Density Measurement of Thinner, Polish and Varnish

Руководство по применению

For Better Quality Control

This application note presents the density determination of thinner, polish, and varnish and gives a comparison between using portableEasyPlus, and Excellence density meters by METTLER TOLEDO.


Why Analyze Paint?

Thinner, paint polish, and varnish are used to color, cover, and protect surfaces from undesirable environmental effects and for aesthetics. The application of these products on the surface should be thin and even to avoid pulp and bubble formation over the surface. Therefore, the consistency of the product is a crucial factor for smooth and even application.


How Should Paint Be Analyzed and Why Is Density Measurement Important?

Density determination is an important quality indicator for the consistency of products in the paint industry. The density of a thinner, polish, or varnish will determine its quality and smoothness when applied to a surface.

Are you working in the paint industry? Do you routinely analyze paint for its density? Then download our free application note and benefit from our experience.

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