Learn how slow filtration times were traced back to a dendritic growth mechanism and secondary nucleation using ParticleView.
Seeding in Action
Polymorph Transition in Action
Learn how ParticleView enabled scientists to study the kinetics of a polymorph conversion.
Agglomeration in Action
Learn how impurities can become trapped in agglomerated and how ParticleView can capture and follow this challenging mechanism.
Particles are created through a series of interdependent mechanisms such as formation, growth, agglomeration, breakage and phase change. These mechanisms directly influence the outcome of a process, but are often hidden from view and cannot be observed with traditional approaches such as offline microscopy.
Understanding which mechanisms dominate a process and determining how to control them enables scientists to design processes that consistently deliver fit-for-purpose particles.

입도 분석기
실시간 현장(In-situ) 입도 분석기로 입자 및 액적에 대한 이해, 최적화 및 제어.

Janssen Overcomes Oiling Out
An infographic describing how scientists – in their own words - used ParticleView to study and avoid oiling out.

7가지 주요 결정화 메커니즘
본 무료 가이드에서는 결정화 공정에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 숨겨진 결정화 7가지 메커니즘을 검토하고 주요 파라미터를 제어하기 위한 전략을 개략적으로 설명합니다.