Provide your contact information and you will receive the full version of DataBridge SS. If you already have the software on DVD, you still need to complete the form in order to receive your activation details for the software.
You can use the software for 30 days free of charge. If you wish to keep the software after the end of your trial period, you will be asked to purchase a software license for the product.
System Requirements
Install DataBridge on a personal computer with the following capabilities:
- Intel (or equivalent) 2 GHz or higher processor (required)
- Microsoft Windows 7 or 10 32-bit or 64-bit plus current Windows updates (recommended)
- Minimum 4 GB of RAM (recommended)
- Minimum 10 GB free HDD (recommended)
- Video Driver Support for True 32-bit color; minimum 1024x768 screen resolution (required)
- Operating User ID - Standard User Permission (required)
- Installation - Administrator (required)
- Keyboard (required)
- Mouse (required)
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