PAT-Guided Development of a Mixing-Dependent, Slow-Filtering Crystallization System

Improving Filtration Performance with Process Changes


  • Applying PAT to solve challenging process issues
  • Mitigating mixing risk in crystallization process
  • Improving filtration performance with process changes

Crystallization processes usually involve complex physical and chemical transformations that are sensitive to process design and parameters. Data-rich experimentation enabled by process analytical technologies provide better insight of the process.

In this example, a slow-growing crystallization system is studied with the help of EasyViewer to identify particle growth behavior. The images revealed active seed form being in-situ generated in a short time frame after seeding. The growth behavior of the crystal during cooling and antisolvent addition was used to design the crystallization process and improve filtration performance.


About the Presenter

guanghui zhu takeda

Guanghui Zhu, PhD

Senior Staff Engineer - Takeda

Guanghui holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering and currently works at Takeda as a process engineer on pipeline projects. Before joining Takeda, he worked in BMS and CONTINUUS Pharma on various batch and continuous process development efforts.