DO Sensor InPro6860i/12/120/mA/HD

DO Sensor InPro6860i/12/120/mA/HD

Anti-Bubble Dissolved Oxygen Sensor.The InPro 6860i/12/120/mA/HD is an optical dissolved oxygen sensor with a mechanically modified hydrophilic surface. Combined with its tilted design, it prevents bubble accumulation, creating a highly stable measurement signal.

Increased Yield and Product Quality

The angled tip and hydrophilic surface prevent bubble formation. This eliminates noise for improved production efficiency and process control.

For Digital & Analog Bioreactors

This anti-bubble DO sensor has digital (MODBUS, RS-485) and analog (mA) output signals for compatibility with benchtop bioreactors and transmitters.

Sterilizable and Autoclavable

The InPro 6860i/12/120/mA/HD provides fast, precise oxygen measurement, even after repeated autoclaving and sterilization cycles up to 140° C.

Material No.: 30449705

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Stable, Reproducible Yields

Achieving consistent batches and product quality requires reliable oxygen measurement. The hydrophilic surface finish and tilted tip of the oxygen sensor prevent measurement interference from bubble accumulation that can effect yield and product quality.

Hygienic and Durable Design

Avoiding biofouling and ensure a stable signal with the PTFE coating of the OptoCap™ oxygen-sensing element. This ensures that the InPro6860i/12/120/mA/HD has the durability to withstand multiple autoclaving and standard CIP / SIP cycles.

Uncompromised Reliability

This optical DO sensor offers the benefits and predictive diagnostics of Intelligent Sensor Management. Achieve faster start up with Plug and Measure technology. Increased system availability is provided by maintaining a stock of pre-calibrated sensors.

Exceptional Performance

The 120mm InPro6860i/12/120/mA/HD reduces both handling time and running costs due to lower calibration and maintenance needs. This is performance is achieved by an electrolyte-free, one-piece replacement part that is monitored by predictive diagnostics.

Технические характеристики - DO Sensor InPro6860i/12/120/mA/HD

Измеряемый параметр
Принцип измерения
Гашение флуоресценции
Погрешность измерения
± (1% от измеренного значения + 8 ppb)
Время отклика (2)
T98= <90 с
Основная среда / область применения
Цифровой (ISM) или аналоговый
Цифровой (ISM)
Противопузырьковая конструкция
Материал металлических смачиваемых частей
Нержавеющая сталь 316L
Качество обработки поверхности смачиваемых частей
N5/Ra16 (Ra=0.4μm/16μin)
Материал уплотнительного кольца
24В пост. тока
0.1 A
Подключение к технологической линии
Pg 13.5
120 mm
Материал смачиваемой мембраны
Испольнение коннектора
Семейство моделей
InPro 6860i
Устойчивый к CIP
Механическое отображение измерения
-4 °F
284 °F
Рабочее давление, фунт/кв. дюйм
0-87 PSI
Интеграция с аналоговыми схемами
Интеграция с цифровыми схемами
Кабельный разъем
VP6 / VP8 (аналоговый /цифровой)
Сертификаты соответствия гигиеническим нормам / биологической совместимости
FDA/USP Class 6
Сертификаты для использования во взрывоопасных зонах
ATEX/IECEx: II 1/2G Ex ia/ib HC T6 Ga/Gb II1/2D Ex ia/ib nie T83 °C Da/Db
Сертификаты и разрешения на применение
Quality certificate, Material certificate 3.1, Surface finish certificate, ATEX/IECEx certificate, FDA/USP Class IV
Диапазон измерения
0 - 60% насыщения О2
Стерилизуемый, автоклавируемый

Watch the video on the Anti-Bubble OptoCap

Features and Benefits

Stable, Reproducible Yields
Achieving consistent batches and product quality requires reliable oxygen measurement. The hydrophilic surface finish and tilted tip of the oxygen sensor prevent measurement interference from bubble accumulation that can effect yield and product quality.

Hygienic and Durable Design
Avoiding biofouling and ensure a stable signal with the PTFE coating of the OptoCap™ oxygen-sensing element. This ensures that the InPro6860i/12/120/mA/HD has the durability to withstand multiple autoclaving and standard CIP / SIP cycles.

Uncompromised Reliability
This optical DO sensor offers the benefits and predictive diagnostics of Intelligent Sensor Management. Achieve faster start up with Plug and Measure technology. Increased system availability is provided by maintaining a stock of pre-calibrated sensors.

Exceptional Performance
The 120mm InPro6860i/12/120/mA/HD reduces both handling time and running costs due to lower calibration and maintenance needs. This performance is achieved by an electrolyte-free, one-piece replacement part that is monitored by predictive diagnostics.

Буклеты об оборудовании

Intelligent Optical Oxygen Sensor Easy Handling – Exceptional Performance
Continuous dissolved oxygen (DO) measurement is critical during fermentation and cell culture. The InPro 6860 i HD Anti-Bubble™ Oxygen Sensor is mecha...

Технические характеристики


Operating Instructions: Optical O₂ Simulator
METTLER TOLEDO optical O2 sensors are intended solely for inline measurement of the oxygen partial pressure, as described in this instruction manual.

White Papers

Снижение коррозии
В этом информационном документе описан практический опыт борьбы с коррозией в химической промышленности. В нем раскрыта важная роль измерительных приб...

Примеры применения

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This case study describes how Ajinomoto needed more dependable pH and DO sensors, plus less sensor maintenance, they turned to METTLER TOLEDO. Now, in...
История успеха: «Компания Novozymes выходит в свет»
Мартин Фальк (Martin Falk) очень доволен эксплуатационными характеристиками датчика InPro 6860 i: «Новая система более стабильна и надежна. В будущем...

Интеграция цифровых датчиков

M100 Sensor Mount (SM) — одноканальный трансмиттер для подключения к биоконтроллеру оптических ISM-датчиков растворенного кислорода. Интерфейс Bluetooth 4.0 совместим с ПО iSense для ПК и мобильных устройств.

Material No.: 30365367

Средства калибровки и технического обслуживания

Оформление запроса
DO Sensor InPro6860i/12/120/mA/HD
USP Class VI