Learn more about in-situ FTIR spectroscopy with ReactIR.
System ReactIR 702L, TEMCT

ReactIR 702L

TE-Cooled MCT

Solid-state detector cooling delivers high performance without the need for liquid nitrogen.

System ReactIR 701L, LN2

ReactIR 701L

Liquid Nitrogen MCT

High-sensitivity detector with >24 hour hold time for demanding applications.

ReactIR 45P HL Process FTIR

ReactIR 45P

Process FTIR

Transfer reaction understanding across scales, from the laboratory to classified plant areas.

Изучение механизма реакции в каждом эксперименте

Изучение механизма реакции в каждом эксперименте

В этом документе представлены пять примеров из последних научно-публицистических статей, которые пок...

Reaction Analysis Guide

Real-Time Reaction Analysis Guide

This guide reviews the advantages and importance of PAT methods in developing reaction understanding...

ReactIR™ Spectroscopy in Peer-Reviewed Publications

ReactIR™ Spectroscopy in Peer-Reviewed Publications

This free Citation List presents an extensive list of peer-reviewed publications related to the use...

What types of FTIR probes do you offer?

Our DST Sampling Technology allows you to study chemistry under a wide variety of conditions. From low to high pressures and temperatures, and in almost every reaction condition, reactions, and processes can be studied in real time

  • ATR-FTIR fiber probes
  • Diamond ATR fiber
  • Silicon ATR fiber probes
  • Flow cells

Learn more about DST Sampling Technology.

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