
Hygienic Design Considerations for Weighing Equipment


Ensuring a contamination-free manufacturing process is a challenge in today's complex production environments.

In highly regulated industries, hygienic systems and processing areas can be adversely affected by a single contaminated product. This can lead to costly recalls, a damaged reputation and ultimately harm to customers. 

Properly designed equipment, however, can help mitigate these risks and ensure a clean manufacturing environment. Understand the key principles of hygienic design and discover practical cleaning tips with our free Hygienic Guide.

Product Safety

Both the food and pharma industries produce products that are ingested or applied to the body. A contaminated product can cause harm to the consumer, leading to health issues, recalls, and potential lawsuits.


Regulations in both industries require manufacturers to maintain a hygienic environment and follow specific guidelines to ensure product safety and quality. Non-compliance can lead to fines, legal action, and potential shutdown of the manufacturing facility.


Contaminated products can also damage the reputation of a company, leading to a loss of trust and decreased sales. It's difficult to recover from a major recallor publicized contamination incident.

Consumer Demand

In today's world, consumers are more aware of the products they consume and their safety. A company that shows its commitment to product safety and quality through hygienic design can differentiate itself in the market and attract more customers.











Hygienic Features
Hygienic Features