Smart Weighing Solutions for Lean Production

Avoid issues such as production inconsistencies and wait time to create leaner processes that enhance productivity and reduce costs

Weighing is only one process step in production, but it is an important one. Mistakes and inaccuracies can cost you money or damage your company's reputation. Weighing solutions help minimize filling errors and giveaway. They also speed up manual processes and reduce overproduction, unnecessary inventory, waiting, transport time, defects, rework and unnecessary operator movements. Lean manufacturing and lean management can help you minimize costs and maximize production efficiency.

Lean manufacturing helps you avoid waste

Lean manufacturing manages the entire process to avoid waste of all kinds. As the graphic shows, it is designed to reduce unnecessary waiting time by speeding up manual processes and ensuring uptime is optimized. Defects and rework are also to be avoided by optimizing quality control, avoiding human error and improving processes.

Overproduction and housing of unnecessary inventory are also to be avoided whenever possible. Select equipment including balances that meet process tolerances and optimize the weighing process for operators to reduce unnecessary energy expenditure and enhanced ergonomics. In turn, you’ll decrease downtime for both equipment and people! Finally, doing what you can to minimize transport—including bringing scales to materials rather than materials to scales—can help ensure you are making the most of that important and irretrievable asset, time.

Comprehensive service to keep you running

METTLER TOLEDO will support you through comprehensive service agreements tailored to your requirements that cover all necessary repairs and keep your operations running at their leanest. This will help you preserve the value of your investment as you benefit from our innovative weighing solutions and continuously improve your processes.

The comprehensive service agreement will be tailored to your operational requirements. It includes preventative maintenance, parts, labor, travel and guaranteed response time for repairs. This is your most cost-effective assurance against downtime, low-quality results and unbudgeted expense.

Knowing local requirements to keep processes lean

METTLER TOLEDO can offer such comprehensive service because we make it our business to be familiar with local needs and specific customer requirements. This includes local spare parts stock, special service reports, technical training, failure analysis, product upgrades and interaction with system integrators. Local also helps to remove unnecessary transport time from your workflows.

Your source for cost-effective, lean processes

Ultimately, METTLER TOLEDO is your single source for maintenance and repair of dimensioning, weighing and scanning equipment. In case of break-down, we will provide services and parts in a cost-effective manner to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

Learn more about how you can create lean processes by downloading our white paper “Avoid Waste with Smart Weighing Solutions” today.

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