The Top 4 Ways to Increase Flexibility in Food Production

Mobile weighing applications can help to increase efficiency and improve throughput

The ultimate goal of any food production process is increased efficiency, improved throughput and reduced setup time. Mobile weighing installations can help with all three areas. For example, they can facilitate transferring data, preparing weighing instruments, or entering product-specific weighing parameters, which can be a truly time-consuming task. Mobile solutions offer significant timesaving and process-optimization potential.

Increasing Flexibility in Production

Necessary considerations for ensuring that mobile weighing applications function in the intended way include making sure that they offer battery-powered operation, that they are easy and versatile to be installed in many different types of locations, and that they offer data transfer via WLAN. Mobile shop floor scales are a terrific example of an excellent mobile weighing application. They allow the scale to be brought to the area where the product is to be weighed is stored, rather than having to move product to the scale, saving time and enhancing productivity.

Batteries for Mobile Power

Batteries are a core fundamental requirement for any truly versatile and mobile weighing device. Even for a compact device, if it must be plugged in, its use is limited. A mobile device offers true flexibility. Long-lasting power is a must. Then, the mobile scale components can be mounted on a mobile workstation or card. This allows operators to be weighing or classifying on the spot.

Industrial Compact Scales – ICS4 and ICS6

METTLER TOLEDO's Industrial Compact Systems (ICS) are a line of innovative, easy-to-use and robust compact scales. They are offered in aluminum die cast or full stainless steel with ingress protection up to IP69k for high-pressure and high-temperature wash-down in capacities from 0.6 to 600 kilograms.

ICS4 and ICS6 are compact scales that allow you to shift production environments quickly with no further technology investments, allowing a wide range of process improvements and highly flexible weighing. Their highly modular design is easily tailored for process solutions in the manufacturing, food and pharmaceutical industries; they are suitable for industrial applications from simple weighing and piece counting to more complex applications, such as totalizing, check-weighing or classifying.

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