4 Tips to Optimize Fill Quality and Save Costs

Optimizing filling has been a trade-off between following net-content legislation and reducing overfill to a minimum – until now. A new white paper shares 4 tips and 4 solutions to streamline filling-quality procedures and save costs.

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Underfilling is illegal
Underfilling is illegal
4 Tips to Optimize Fill Quality and Save Costs
Underfilling is illegal

Net-content package control targets two goals. First, a producer must guarantee compliance and avoid underfilling to ensure production is within governmental limits. Second, in the producer’s own interest, net-content package control can be used to minimize overfilling and protect profits.

But what key factors must be considered to optimize filling?

1. Statistical data (the decision-making basis)

Filling depends on a variety of factors, such as product uniformity, fill speed and the filling machines themselves. The foundation for analysis is a proper database, the ability to integrate production tolerances, and proper quality monitoring tools, such as control charts or scatter diagrams. Data is typically gathered by:

  •  100% production control based on automatic checkweighing
  • Statistical Quality Control (SQC) based on sampling
4 Tips to Optimize Fill Quality and Save Costs
Underfilling is illegal

2. Scale selection (that fits the weighing range)

Selection of an automatic or manual checkweighing solution is usually dictated by application requirements, economic factors and process-data needs. Make sure that the selected scale operates within the required weighing range. Good Weighing PracticeTM (GWP®), a standardized, scientific methodology for the secure selection, calibration and operation of weighing equipment, can help you make an informed decision.

3. Net content control (the most relevant regulations) 
Before optimizing filling, a producer must ensure the process is compliant and avoids underfilling. Globally, two major guidelines for packaged goods dominate – WELMEC and NIST in Europe and the USA, respectively. These guidelines define fill quantity and allowable deviations. (Manual sampling plans can be found in Catch Error Trends Faster.)

4. The best instrument (for your process)

Typically four solutions can be considered:

  1. Fully automatic: Checkweighers
  2. Partly automatic - multiple: Networked, SQC control software solutions
  3. Partly automatic - single:  SQC control integrated in a terminal
  4. Manual control: based on data collection software

As noted, which solution is best for your process will depend on tolerances, legislation, and your budget. Catch Error Trends Faster provides help.