Recommended steps to maximize tank uptime

Equipment always seems to break down at the worst time. A new service checklist on proactive tank scale maintenance helps maximize uptime and prevent a malfunctioning tank scale from ruining your batch.

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Preventative maintenance
Preventative maintenance
Recommended steps to maximize tank uptime
Preventative maintenance

When tank scales unexpectedly malfunction or breakdown, your business suffers from downtime and unwanted costs. Preventing tank scale issues now is always less trouble than unexpectingly needing to fix them later. METTLER TOLEDO offers two ways to proactively prevent expensive emergency service calls for any tank scale model.

Tank Scale Health Check
The Tank Scale Health Check service includes a full on-site inspection of your scale(s) by our expert technicians. If we find something wrong, we provide you with repair options to keep small problems from growing into big ones. The inspection includes a detailed report and recommendations on how to keep your scale accurate and reliable for years to come.

The Tank Scale Health Check includes the following:

  • Scale Condition Report: Assesses scale structure, support structure, weigh modules, load cells and digital weigh module analytics.
  • Service Recommendations: Explanation of how to preserve the mechanical, electrical and general health of the scale.

New service checklist on proactive tank scale maintenance
METTLER TOLEDO has developed a detailed service checklist to help you maximize the uptime of your scale through proactive maintenance. Utilize this checklist to ensure that you have considered the necessary equipment specification and maintenance services, assuring that your equipment always performs within your expected process tolerances.