Phenol Content in Urine Using UV Vis Spectroscopy

Measuring Absorbance of p-quinone Dye

This application note provides a method to determine the content of phenol in Urine using UV Vis spectrophotometry. The extraction of phenol from urine and formation of a red coloured p-quinone dye is discussed in the application.

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Phenol is a metabolite of benzene. Individuals who have been exposed to benzene excrete increased amounts of phenol in their urine in addition to small amounts of other oxidative products. Phenol is also a product of normal metabolism and as such is excreted in the urine as sulfate or glucuronide. The determination of phenol in urine is therefore gaining significance in health medicine.

This application note includes:

  • An introduction to the topic 
  • A list of instruments and accessories
  • An explanation of the method in detail
  • Results and remarks