Determine Acid Content in Honey Using EasyPlus Titrator

Easy Analysis with the Potentiometric Determination of Acid-Base Titration

This application note provides a method for determining the acid content in honey using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus titrator. Download now!


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Why Is It Essential to Determine the Acid Content in Honey?

Honey is acidic in nature and contains several amino, organic, aliphatic, and aromatic acids. The presence of aromatic acids contributes to its flavor. The acidity in honey is naturally influenced by the geographical origin, the harvest season, and the presence of different organic acids. Higher acidity levels indicate the fermentation of sugars into organic acids. According to the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Sugars, the maximum allowable limit for free acid content in honey is 50.00 meq/kg.

Therefore, analyzing the acidity level is an important quality parameter for honey.


How to Determine Acid Content?

In this application note, the acid content of honey samples is determined by titrating against NaOH using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus titrator and pH sensor. This potentiometric titration is terminated at the endpoint (EP) pH 8.2. For more information, download our free application note.


Acidity Measurement in Food
Acid Content in Honey by EasyPlus Titration
Acid Content in Honey by EasyPlus Titration