Know How

Pipette Tip Purity Matters

Know How

Manufacturers Claim Their Tips Are Pure, but Can They Prove It?

Tip Purity Matters
Tip Purity Matters

Surprisingly minute amounts of foreign substances can have an outsized impact on the quality of your experimental data. From the purity of the source material to the rigor with which the tips are tested/inspected during manufacturing, you should be confident that your pipette tip supplier is invested in assuring (and guaranteeing) that your tips are free of bioactive and chemical contamination.

Quickly assess any tip's purity
We believe our tips are the most pure available, but you be the judge. Download our tip purity white paper to learn more about testing protocols and the difference between "inferring" tip purity and proving it.

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The Rainin difference

  • Certified pure polypropylene

  • Class 100,000 cleanroom manufacturing

  • Comprehensive testing and inspection

Tested for the highest number of contaminants
At Rainin we take pipette tip purity very seriously. For example, we test nine different bioactive contaminants – more than any other manufacturer – to ensure our tips won't introduce unexpected risks to your experiments. 

Most comprehensive testing
The Rainin BioClean Ultra™ purity standard is the industry's most rigorous and comprehensive. We don't just guarantee every tip's purity – we list every potential contaminant we test for, the limit to which we test and the protocol we use for each test. 


BioClean Ultra vs. Other Leading Brands

How does the testing protocol for Rainin BioClean Ultra tips compare with those of other leading tip manufacturers?

  • Only Rainin conducts quality testing for both protein and protease contamination.
  • Only Rainin provides test methods and specifications for each specific type of biological contaminant.
  • Rainin test specifications are stringent, demonstrable and robust.
  • Our ongoing BioClean Ultra quality testing process assures consistent product cleanliness.


Here's how BioClean Ultra compares: