Efficient Lifecycle Management of Weighing Systems

In production, weighing is mandatory to achieve batch uniformity and consistency. A new white paper explains how the weighing standard GWP® contributes to efficient lifecycle management of weighing instruments and accurate weighing results.

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Accurate weighing is essential to ensure continuous adherence to predefined process requirements and to avoid out-of-specification (OOS) results. In the production area, OOS is not only a symptom that quality might be at risk, but it also is a risk to consumer health and safety, a potential breach of legal metrology requirements and an economic loss for the company.

Ensuring accurate measurements
A new white paper published by METTLER TOLEDO introduces Good Weighing Practice (GWP®), the science-based global standard for efficient lifecycle management of weighing instruments. Based primarily on the user’s weighing requirements and prevailing weighing risks, it provides a state-of-the-art strategy for reducing measurement errors and ensuring accurate weighing results. Besides addressing the instrument’s metrological aspects such as minimum weight, GWP® also establishes a specific routine testing scenario for the instrument.

Optimizing testing procedures
Applications with a high risk of inaccurate weighing and stringent weighing accuracy specifications require frequent calibration and user tests. However, for less risky and stringent applications, testing efforts can be reduced accordingly. Widespread misconceptions are critically analyzed, specifically with respect to the definition of test procedures and the selection of appropriate weights for periodic performance verification. Based on scientific principles, the user learns how to optimize routine testing procedures and avoid unnecessary or erroneous testing.