• Product Inspection

 X38  X-ray System                                        L-Series Metal Detector                                New White Paper

X38 X-ray Inspection System

Discover how the X38 X-ray System can detect a wide range of contaminants in pumped foods at throughputs of up to 14 tonnes per hour.

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L Series Metal DetectorExplore how Metal Detection can ensure the detection and removal of metal contaminants in pumped foods.

Free White PaperDownload the expert White Paper 'Improving Food Safety Inspection of Pumped Products'.

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The X38 x-ray system and L-Series metal detector provide food manufacturers with the right solution to suit their individual pumped applications such as liquids, slurries and semi-solids.

Pumped Food Applications
Products inspected on pumped food production lines can vary greatly, with this so does the range of contaminants within the products, providing food manufacturers with a number of contamination detection challenges. Typical pumped products include processed meat and poultry, fruit and vegetables, jams / preserves, purees, soups, ice creams and condiments.

Contamination Detection
Food safety is paramount to manufacturers and the highest levels of contamination detection in pumped foods are expected. Detection of small contaminants such as metal filings, mineral stone, calcified bone and glass shards can be challenging.

Safeline Inspection Solutions for Pumped Foods
The X38 x-ray pipeline inspection system provides outstanding detection capabilities with bespoke software algorithms to ensure precise removal of contaminated product with minimal product waste. The X38 offers reliable detection of metal, glass, calcified bone, mineral stone and dense plastic and rubber compounds.

The L-Series metal detector pipeline inspection system provides advanced detection coil technology and digital signal processing, delivering unparalleled levels of in-process detection sensitivity to all metal types.

Hygienic Design
Pumped production lines often present challenges to manufacturers when it comes to hygiene. The X38 x-ray system and L-Series metal detectors are specifically designed with high IP (IP69) ratings to support and facilitate harsh wash-down environments.

Flexible design options ensure that Safeline's pumped inspection systems can be customised and easily integrated into an existing food production line, increasing uptime and Operational Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

Connectivity and advanced data collection solutions assist manufacturers with collation and storage of production data to support compliance and proof of due diligence. Both pumped food inspection solutions offer multiple connectivity options to enable real time data collection and transfer.

Pumped Foods Infographic
To understand how either metal detection or x-ray inspection can inspect pumped food products you cannot afford to miss this easy to understand infographic.

Download now to find out when to use x-ray or metal detection on your pumped foods line.