Know How

Checklist: Preventive Maintenance of Balances and Scales

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Checklist: Preventive Maintenance of Balances and Scales
Checklist: Preventive Maintenance of Balances and Scales

Laboratory balances, scales and moisture analyzers are sensitive devices. Use by multiple operators, measurement of substances with different characteristics and shifting environmental conditions can all have a direct impact on their performance and durability.

Having your critical measurement instruments checked by a service technician on a regular basis minimizes the risks of costly instrument failures and downtime. Nevertheless, in between service visits, there might be easy-to-overlook signs that indicate a preventive maintenance visit is required sooner, not later. 

Signs preventive maintenance is required include:

  • Frequent error messages
  • Slow instrument settling or time-to-result
  • Signs of oxidation or corrosion
  • Cracks in exterior structures
  • Excessive heat or odd sounds during operation

You might also suspect that substances have entered the device over time. All these signs indicate that it is time for a certified professional to check your weighing device.

The Preventive Maintenance Checklist is a free, one-page document. It will help you self-verify when preventive maintenance is required so you can get in touch with METTLER TOLEDO before downtime hurts your lab productivity.

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