
Micro Volume UV Vis Guide


A Guide to Explain the Advantages of Micro Volume Compared to Macro Volume Measurements

This is how to create speed, reliability and sustainability with micro volume UV Vis measurements.
This is how to create speed, reliability and sustainability with micro volume UV Vis measurements.

What is micro volume UV Vis spectroscopy, which applications can it enable, and what are its advantages? This guide will show how optimized optical setups are achieved and the advantages of these measurements over macro volume cuvette-based setups.

Applications quantitatively assessed in this guide are used predominantly in biopharma and biotech RnD and QC. This information, when combined with a detailed analysis of your current UV Vis workflows, should provide a sound basis for transitioning to automated micro volume UV Vis spectroscopy for various applications now, or in the future.

This change can maintain or even improve accuracy, while simultaneously enhancing speed and throughput. Over time, it can also significantly reduce both per-measurement costs and environmental impact to enhance a laboratory’s profitability and sustainability, while allowing it to continue producing reliable and repeatable analyses.

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