
pH Measurement Theory Guide


A Guide to Understand the Theory and Applications of pH Measurements

pH Theory Guide
pH Theory Guide

pH measurement is a routine, yet one of the most important parameters of an analytical laboratory. Measuring pH although it is an effortless process, it can lead to errors if not performed properly. This guide reviews some important concepts to have a good understanding of pH measurement. Furthermore, it covers all the important factors that influence the measurement including possible sources of errors.

Our experts will guide you through the following topics:

  • Introduction to pH theory
  • Electrode selection and handling practices
  • Common troubleshooting measures
  • Appendix (Temperature Correction Factors)

The guide not only builds the necessary theoretical concepts but also focuses on giving a clear and practical description of how to measure pH in the laboratory environment. It further shares tips and hints on some important topics, timely providing theoretical background on the acidity and alkalinity measurements. Attention is also given to the various kinds of pH electrodes available and the selection criteria for choosing the right electrode for a specific sample.

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