Know How

X-ray Inspection - Ensuring the Safety of Canned Foods

Know How

A spectrum of information explaining how x-ray technology safeguards canned foods


Ensuring the Safety of Canned Foods
Ensuring the Safety of Canned Foods

X-ray inspection technology ensures that all canned food products are safe to consume and that brand integrity requirements are met.

Canned food is a growth industry across the globe. Metal cans’ sustainable properties, long shelf-life capabilities and convenience strengthen its position as a popular packaging format for both manufacturers and consumers.

However, as metal cans come in different shapes and sizes, they present challenges to product inspection technology. Our experts have put together a range of documents which explain the inspection challenges, how x-ray technology overcomes them and the additional branding integrity examinations it can provide.

Manufacturers can learn:

  • Typical canned food applications  
  • The challenges different canning formats present to inspection technologies
  • How x-ray inspection overcomes inspection challenges
  • The full scope of x-ray inspection capabilities:
    • Contaminant detection
    • Product integrity examinations
  • Benefit of recent x-ray technology advancements to canned food manufacturers  
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