
Checklist: Performance
Verification Tips


Audit-Proof Weighing with Efficient and Compliant Testing Plans and Procedures

A typical pharmaceutical or biopharma production site utilizes scales and balances from material dispensing through quality control to packaging. This Performance Verification Checklist provides an overview of the relevant aspects that can help you implement a compliant and efficient quality management plan.

Download the checklist to discover how to:

  • Test the relevant weighing parameters
  • Optimize testing frequency
  • Implement suitable and efficient operating procedures
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What is the difference between calibration and routine testing?

Calibration is performed when a scale's current performance is measuring outside of the allowed tolerance for its purpose. A qualified technician performs the calibration using certified calibrated test weights constructed from a suitable material for the environment. Routine tests or functional tests are conducted in addition to regular calibrations to verify the performance of the weighing equipment at more frequent intervals, depending on the risk assessment of the weighing process. The equipment operator usually conducts routine tests with calibrated and certified test weights.

How often should I calibrate my scale?

Depending on the risk assessment, define the required calibration intervals to ensure accurate measurements over time. Typical calibration schedules go from once per year to four times a year for higher risk weighing processes.

How often should I test my weighing equipment?

When your weighing risk is higher, routine tests help verify measurement performance in-between calibration intervals. The higher the weighing risk, the more routine tests should be scheduled. Testing should be increased in environments of rough handling, frequent temperature changes, or when production material can impact the scale’s performance.