Case Study

Chewter's Automates Production

Case Study

X-ray, checkweighing and metal detection help establish
automated quality control

Chewter's Chocolates Installs Product Inspection Systems | Case Study
Chewter's Chocolates Installs Product Inspection Systems | Case Study

Canadian producer Chewter's Chocolates made the decision to fully automate their production lines as part of a larger project to develop their facility into a more productive and efficient plant. A key part of this effort included the automation of their quality control processes. "We chose to work with METTLER TOELDO on this project as we believe their equipment is the industry standard," says project engineer Arjan Cheema. 

Chewters had three major inspection issues to solve - they needed to eliminate weight deviations greater than one gram, comply with health and safety rules and reduce the number of false rejects caused by x-ray and metal detection systems. In addition, the inspection systems installed needed to be able to operate at capacity 24 hours a day, five days a week.

METTLER TOLEDO put Chewters in contact with Shawpak Systems, their Canadian distributor, who proposed a food safety program that utilizes five checkweighers, four metal detection systems and an x-ray inspection system

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Adding these product inspection systems into the production process has allowed Chewters to keep pace with the demand for their chocolates, which continues to increase. Their highly automated production facility can hit 15,000 metric tonnes of production per year, allowing Chewters to grow its retail sales without worrying about whether their facility can keep pace with demand. To help maintain productivity, METTLER TOLEDO provides after-sales service, including system calibration and rapid-response technical support. 

The Chewters team has been satisfied with their purchases and the way they have helped achieve a more automated production process. They will incorporate further METTLER TOLEDO product inspection systems into their plants in the future. As Cheema stated, "Inspection is a crucial step in our production processes. We are confident that we can rely on METTLER TOLEDO to help us produce the safest and highest-quality chocolate."