Application Editorial

Reduced Test Mode Reduces Routine Performance Testing

Application Editorial

3 Key benefits for manufacturers of powdered or granular products

Reduced Test Mode Application Note
Reduced Test Mode Application Note

This application note is intended to help manufacturers and processors of dry powder and granular products including food additives, flavorings and nutraceuticals by showing the additional production capacity that could be achieved by reducing the frequency of metal detector performance monitoring tests.

Performance monitoring of metal detection equipment is essential to make sure it continues to work as intended. However, this often involves stopping production, or wasting good product, both of which can have a negative impact on Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

What if there was a way to reduce the frequency of testing by up to 83%?

This application note describes how you can reduce the frequency of metal detector testing without increasing your risk, and examines three key benefits you can achieve as a result.

  • Increased Production Capacity
  • Improved Product Quality
  • Enhanced Worker Safety
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Production downtime hurts the bottom line. With schedules often tight due to high demand, every stoppage represents lost production capacity and the potential for additional problems elsewhere.

It takes time, and consistency of products and processes to build a reputation for quality. However, this hard-won reputation can suffer irreparable damage as a result of a product recall – a costly scenario every manufacturer wants to avoid.

Manufacturers have a responsibility to provide a safe working environment for their employees. Metal detectors in vertical packing applications are often installed in inaccessible places due to their location in the production process at critical control points (CCPs). Conducting routine performance monitoring tests on this equipment often requires operators to work at height. Using Reduced Test Mode could significantly reduce the number of ladder climbs required to conduct tests, thereby helping to improve worker safety.