Application Editorial

1H qNMR Purity Analyses and the Implications of ISO 24583

Application Editorial

Why a Microbalance Is an Essential Prerequisite

1H qNMR Purity Analyses and the Implications of ISO 24583
1H qNMR Purity Analyses and the Implications of ISO 24583

Discover a fast and easy way to test for impurities in your products with quantitative 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H qNMR). Uniquely, this analytical method enables the quantification of a sample against a reference standard of a different substance. This makes it highly versatile, especially when a certified reference material for the analyte is not available. Unlike traditional analytical techniques such as chromatography, 1H qNMR: 

  • Serves as a universal detector,
  • Is not sensitive to impurities, and
  • Requires limited amounts of reference standards.

1H qNMR is utilized to determine both concentration and purity and is a widely used technique in the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. It is ideal for ensuring the authenticity and safety of food, testing for pesticide residues in agricultural products, and for determining impurities in the development of pharmaceutical products. It also offers a method for providing metrological traceability.

In 2022, the International Organization for Standardization published ISO 24583, which specifies the general requirements for qNMR analysis for organic compounds used in food and food products. Accurate weighing is an important prerequisite that strongly influences the final 1H qNMR results. This application note explains how using METTLER TOLEDO’s microbalances and ultra-microbalances for sample preparation in 1H qNMR analyses ensures accurate and reliable results in line with the weighing requirements specified in ISO 24583. The methods described therein are widely applicable.

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