Application Editorial

Efficient Elemental Analysis (CHNSO)

Application Editorial

Using Microbalances for Accurate Sample Preparation

Determination of the composition of an unknown sample, by analysis of its organic content, is a very important task in research or quality control departments in most industries. Quantitative elemental analysis is a fast and inexpensive analytical method used to measure the organic content of a sample. Mass percentages of organic elements (C, H, N, O and S) are determined in relation to the original sample weight, accurate weighing is therefore critical.

Organic elemental analysis is routinely employed in the following industries and applications:

  • Agriculture: determination of soil health (from C to N ratio); choice of appropriate fertilizers to increase crop yields
  • Environmental: determination of water, waste water, solid, plant and particulate matter content
  • Food: determination of protein content (from N content); compliance with food packaging declarations; for food or animal feed
  • Pharmaceutical: determination of API or lead compound product purity (in R&D and manufacturing)
  • Petrochemical: determination of hydrogenation reaction efficiency when producing fuels and lubricants; crude oil measurement
  • Forensic: analysis of human or animal hair, blood, urine, faeces or nails
  • Materials: determination of content of plastic, paper, rubber, explosives
  • Sport: evidence of doping in samples
  • Archaeology: determination of archaeological soil and pottery
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The samples are combusted in a process that uses highly pure oxygen and an inert carrier gas, so small sample sizes (typically well below 10 mg) are preferable. A balance with high repeatability can therefore significantly reduce the cost per analysis. METTLER TOLEDO’s XPR microbalances offer exceptional performance and lowest minimum weights to deliver the best results faster, more conveniently and at a lower cost.

Learn more in our application note "Efficient CHNSO Elemental Analysis".