Application Method

pH Measurement of Wine

Application Method

Optimize the pH Readings of Wine Samples by Using the Proper Sensor

pH of wine
pH of wine

To measure the pH of wine accurately, choosing the right sensor for the measurement is essential. Sensor selection is influenced by sample characteristics such as homogeneity, the presence of particulates and the expected pH value. The presence of particulates in the sample, for example, defines whether a sensor with a ceramic or a glass junction is appropriate. In the case of wine, a ceramic junction is not ideal as it can easily become clogged and is difficult to clean. We therefore recommend the use of a glass junction.

METTLER TOLEDO's InLab® Max Pro-ISM sensor is ideal for precise, accurate pH measurements of wine. The sensor has an immovable glass sleeve-junction that ensures steady outflow of the electrolyte and prevents contaminants from entering and clogging the junction, making it self-cleaning and low maintenance.

This is only one of the benefits offered by this sensor specialized in measuring the pH of wine. To learn more about the advantages of using this sensor, read this application note.


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Below, we explore the challenges that may result when measuring the pH of wine samples, and provide valuable information on why the pH of wine is measured and the importance of its measurement.

Sensor fouling causing sluggish response in pH measurement of wine?

Check out this video to learn how our pH sensors help overcome these challenges.

Why is the pH of wine measured?

Measuring the pH of wine during fermentation is key to maintaining its characteristic attributes, such as body and aroma. pH must therefore be monitored carefully during winemaking, with accurate and reliable results essential to the outcome.


Importance of pH measurement

pH monitoring helps to determine the ripeness of the grapes, as well as the stability of the color of both must and wine, and their microbial and chemical profiles.

Maintaining proper pH also prevents spoilage by inhibiting the growth of undesirable microbes, increasing the effectiveness of sulfur dioxide as a preservative, and improving the efficiency of yeast conversion of malic acid to lactic acid. The stability of protein components and sensory attributes depends on the pH value as well.


What is the pH of wine?

Winemakers typically aim to produce a wine with a pH between 3.0 and 4.0, and quality and batch consistency depend on achieving this pre-defined value. Normally, a pH value of 3.0 to 3.5 is desirable for white wines, while pH of 3.3 to 3.8 is better for red wines. Typical pH values of different wine varietals are:

SampleMean pH ValueType
Chardonnay3.3White wine
3.3White wine
Chenin Blanc3.5White wine
Red wie
Cabernet-Shiraz3.8Red wine

Our application note 'Measuring pH of Wine' provides you tips and tricks on how to best measure the pH value and gives you more information about the advantages of using a sensor specialized in measuring the pH of wine.