Application Method

Wort Measurement in Beer

Application Method

Sugar Content Measurement of Wort During Beer Brewing as One of the Most Important Parameters in Beer Production

Application Note Wort Measurement in Beer
Application Note Wort Measurement in Beer

Wort is the liquid extracted from the mashing process during beer brewing. This dissolved sugar also includes other ingredients and is referred to as "extract". To monitor the fermentation process, brewers typically measure density, specific gravity, or Plato over time, as it quantifies the concentration of the wort. Because the sugars in the wort are converted into alcohol during fermentation, the sugar concentration gradually decreases over time – this gives brewers a way to estimate the final alcoholic content of their beers, but also gives them more control and greater knowledge of the brewing process and ensuring a consistent quality of their final product.

Brewers nowadays typically use hydrometers or digital density meters to monitor this process. This application note shows you how to measure the sugar content of wort during fermentation with your Density2Go digital density meter, including measurement parameters and results.

Learn how to measure the sugar content during fermentation.
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