
Aggregation Solutions for the Traceability of Products – Free Download


Explaining aggregation process in serialization applications

Aggregation Solutions - White Paper
Aggregation Solutions - White Paper

This white paper looks at the aggregation process, which defines the track and trace data relationship between the parent and child. Aggregation makes tracing products through each step of the supply chain much simpler. This in turn means that should one of those individual products show up elsewhere, it has been either stolen or counterfeited.

Different methods of tracking products exist. Aggregating codes together allows for faster and easier tracking - each package no longer needs to be scanned at each stop as long as the aggregated code is scanned. This also increases process security, as larger containers can remain sealed until they reach their ultimate destination.

The white paper focuses on the following subjects:

  • Counterfeit Goods Are on the Rise
  • Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals
  • Safety First – Safety Requires Rules and Expertise
  • How to Implement Full Traceability with Aggregation
  • Marking, Verifying, Safeguarding – From Cartons to
  • Pallets
  • Secure Storage of Production Data is Crucial
  • Solutions – Maximum Possible Safety
  • Performance – the Expert Partner for Track & Trace Systems
  • Aggregation Outside the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Outlook – the World of Track & Trace is Evolving
  • References

Download this informative white paper to learn more

Counterfeit Goods Are on the Rise

Counterfeiting and illicit trade are a growing problem. Customs authorities across the EU seized an estimated five million more counterfeit items in 2015 compared to the previous year, according to figures released by the European Commission in September 2016. More than 40 million products were detained by EU customs in 2015, with an estimated value of nearly US$650 million1.

Cigarettes remain the top category (27%) of goods detained, while food and beverages, toiletries, medicines, toys and household electrical goods account jointly for 25.8% of the total¹.

A report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reaffirms a number of trends that have been evident for more than a decade: almost all brands are being counterfeited, and counterfeit or pirated products originate from economies across all continents, with China remaining the largest producing economy. It also indicates counterfeiters are improving their logistics networks, manipulating transit routes, exploiting governance gaps and taking advantage of the growth in online shopping².

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