
Cultivated Meat, Seafood, Dairy, and Eggs


Solutions to Overcome Hurdles Cultivated Food Companies Face

Cultivated meat, cultured meat or lab grown meat are terms commonly use to refer to meat produced in bioreactor. Learn how we can help overcome some hurdles of this industry in our Cultivated meat, seafood, dairy and eggs guide.
Cultivated meat, cultured meat or lab grown meat are terms commonly use to refer to meat produced in bioreactor. Learn how we can help overcome some hurdles of this industry in our Cultivated meat, seafood, dairy and eggs guide.

The Future of Food–Cultivating Multidisciplinarity Solutions

As the world population increases, so does the protein demand. Our current food production system is not sustainable long term. We need solutions that use less land and water, produce fewer greenhouse gases, reduce the consumption of animal proteins, and have the potential to be healthier, more ethical, and better for the planet. Farming as we know it will not disappear, but rather be reduced. Food is an integral part of each culture, and thus new food formulations must offer solutions for maintaining traditional cooking customs using alternative ingredients.

This guide reviews how cellular agriculture and fermentation technology can be part of the solution for a greener future. Learn more about how we can help you overcome challenges in the fields of media optimization, process analytics, scaffolds, and microcarriers.

Download our guide to learn more about our solutions for the cultivated meat industry.

Hurdles to Overcome

The processes and technologies used to grow cells and to produce protein alternatives are familiar, and the biotechnology sector commonly use them. For cultivated meat, dairy, and seafood to become a success, companies still need to overcome critical technological challenges. Costs need to come down, production capabilities need to increase, and technological breakthroughs that improve the taste and texture of products need to continue. Furthermore:

  • Media is one of the highest reported costs of cultivated food. For this industry to be able to produce at a larger scale, ethically, and at reduced costs, researchers need solutions to replace animal products such as FBS with recombinant growth factors or natural extracts promoting cell growth.
  • Individual countries differ on what is required to test and inspect cultivated food products, and cultivated meat producers will need to find solutions to accommodate these differences. Since it can be assumed that regulations will rely on existing methods in their inspection procedures, the application of analytics for monitoring bioprocesses should play a key role in accommodating the needs of regulators and customers regarding food safety.
  • Animal cells used for meat production are anchorage-dependent and need support to grow onto. To replicate the more sophisticated meat products, researchers need to recreate the complex muscle architecture. Scientists have to develop scaffolds and microcarriers to help cells grow so that the final product feels and tastes like meat.


How Can METTLER TOLEDO Help You Build a Sustainable Food System for the Future?

With instruments and expertise in bioprocessing, bioreactor design, and control strategies, METTLER TOLEDO is an ideal partner for pharmaceutical and chemical sectors employing biotechnology applications. Cultivated food scientists are elevating knowledge in the fields of bioprocessing, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and biomaterials to help build the perfect food alternative product. METTLER TOLEDO is the ideal partner to help cultivated meat companies overcome common hurdles and bring a sustainable alternative to conventional animal proteins to the market.


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