TDL Analyzer

HCI Gasanalysator

TDL-analysator til brug i udfordrende applikationer med høj ydeevne for hydrogenchlorid

En HCI gasanalysator er en analyseenhed, der overvåger koncentrationen af hydrogenchlorid i processtyringsapplikationer. Vores HCI analysator er perfekt til måling af HCI-niveauer i skorstene og scrubbere. Den kan installeres på stedet, hvilket giver mulighed for hurtigere respons uden at skulle udtage og konditionere en prøve. Desuden er den udstyret med ISM®-teknologi, der giver forudsigende diagnostik og advarer dig, når analysatorens optiske vej skal rengøres.

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The ICS689 compact scale product line features a rugged design that has IP69K protected terminals with platforms engineered to the latest hygienic guidelines to make this scale perfectly suited for wet, harsh, or hygienic environments.

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The ICS689 compact scale product line features a rugged design that has IP69K protected terminals with platforms engineered to the latest hygienic guidelines to make this scale perfectly suited for wet, harsh, or hygienic environments.

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The ICS689 compact scale product line features a rugged design that has IP69K protected terminals with platforms engineered to the latest hygienic guidelines to make this scale perfectly suited for wet, harsh, or hygienic environments.

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The ICS689 compact scale product line features a rugged design that has IP69K protected terminals with platforms engineered to the latest hygienic guidelines to make this scale perfectly suited for wet, harsh, or hygienic environments.

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