GWP® – Good Weighing Practice™

Do you need a new scale?

Select the right scale with GWP®


GWP® Recommendation – choose the right scale for your process

With GWP® Recommendation:

  • Purchase equipment with accuracy that meets your process and quality requirements
  • Consider environmental and regulatory factors before equipment selection.


View a GWP® Recommendation example (pdf)



If you request a GWP® Recommendation a Mettler Toledo consultant will guide you through a scale selection process which ensures accurate measuring by determining:

  • Largest weight to be weighed
  • Smallest (net) weight to be weighed
  • Weighing accuracy required for your process
  • Environmental conditions and weighing application


Do you need help on how to calibrate your scale?

Safeguard your process with GWP®


GWP® Verification – reliable calibration and scale performance

The GWP® Verification service ensures that you: 

  • Produce consistent, high-quality products
  • Save money by efficiently managing equipment
  • Maintain complete, audit-proof documentation


View a GWP® Verfification summary report example (pdf)

View a GWP® Verification single scale report example (pdf)



If you request a GWP® Verification a Mettler Toledo Service consultant will verify if your scale satisfies your process and quality requirements under real operating conditions. The GWP® verification service will provide you:

  • the measurement range in which you can operate your scale to achieve reproducible results without weighing errors
  • immediate measures to recover your scale accuracy in case of poor performance
  • all necessary information for cost efficient lifetime calibration and testing (e.g. test methods, test intervales, test weights)
  • a complete set of audit-proof documentation

What is Good Weighing Practice™?


GWP® is a global  weighing standard that can be applied to new or existing weighing equipment from any manufacturer in any industry and workplace.

METTLER TOLEDO developed GWP® as a standardized methodology for safe selection, calibration and operation of weighing equipment.

Users who focus on stable processes, constant product quality, lean manufacturing  or regulatory compliance can use GWP® as the benchmark to select and calibrate their weighing equipment. 

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