Long lines, wait times and extensive paperwork can really add up in terms of productivity at your scale. In order to reduce transaction time and achieve efficiency throughout your operation, METTLER TOLEDO has developed solutions to streamline the weighing process. Watch the video to learn more about maximizing productivity — and profits.
Operations like yours are always pushing to do more with less resources, while also increasing productivity, sustainability, safety, and profitability.
If you have a truck scale, you are familiar with the challenges that often come with it: long wait times, paperwork, safety hazards, C02 emissions, and more.
METTLER TOLEDO has solutions to enable faster throughput and seamless data collection, eliminating these challenges for your operation. Download the eBook to learn more!
Reduced Transaction Time
Seamless Data Collection
The first step to seamless data collection is enabling drivers to complete transactions directly from the cabs of their trucks. Our unattended terminals and DataBridge™ software allow drivers to capture all necessary information through a user-friendly touchscreen, RFID, QR code and other capabilities. There is even a mobile option where drivers can use their own mobile devices to complete transactions.
Learn more about DataBridgeTM Transaction Management Software
Sustainability at Your Site
Many companies like yours are increasingly recognizing the importance of environmental sustainability and the need to minimize their impact on the environment. One area that can have an impact in several ways is the truck scale.
Semi trucks stuck idling at your scale produce harmful CO2 emissions, adding to your carbon footprint. Automating your process for faster transactions and smoother processing can boost sustainability at your truck scale, helping you and the planet!
Safer Operation at Your Weighbridge
Scale yards can be a dangerous place for your drivers, scale house attendants, and more. By implementing solutions like unattended weighing kiosks and weigh-in-motion technology, you can eliminate the need for drivers to exit their vehicles. With these automation solutions, the transaction process becomes entirely digital, weighing the truck efficiently and sending a digital receipt via email to the driver.
By keeping your scale yard clear of pedestrians, you can greatly reduce risks like slips, falls, and other accidents. That offers peace of mind that your employees and drivers are protected, and lets you focus on productivity and continuous improvement in other parts of your process.