Sodium Borohydride Reduction: A Sustainable PAT System for Safe Operation

Enhanced Safety via Inline PAT at Roche Ireland

Application Editorial

Enhanced Safety via Inline PAT at Roche Ireland

Roche's Innovative Approach to PAT Integration
This application note discusses a sustainable Process Analytical Technology (PAT) system using Process FTIR for the safe operation of a sodium borohydride reduction.  Roche Ireland uses an innovative approach to PAT integration that bridges the gap between PAT and Quality Control, while further integrating PAT as a routine manufacturing system.

In-process Mid-IR was key in providing a solution to Roche's process problems.  The goals for throughput, plant usage and manpower were achieved within a few weeks resulting in:

  • Yield Improvement
  • Zero Batch Failures
  • Decrease From 8 Person Operation to 6 Person Operation
  • Reduction in Manual Handling (Safety)
  • Increase in Annual Profit

Enhanced Safety Via Inline PAT at Roche Ireland

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