High-Throughput Experimentation (HTE) – Robotic Sample Preparation

Automate and Accelerate Screening Sample Preparation

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HTE – Robotic Sample Preparation

High-Throughput Experimentation (HTE)


High-Throughput Experimentation Workflow

A parallel reaction workflow for HTE typically involves the following steps:

  1. Planning the Design of Experiment (DoE), including the parameters to be tested
  2. Weighing the powder components in small vials or test tubes, stored in SBS plates
  3. Addition of reaction solvent and liquid components to each vial
  4. Performing chemical reactions in reactor blocks under specified conditions
  5. Reaction-specific analysis
  6. Evaluation of results


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High-Throughput Experimentation Experts


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Infographic - High Throughput Experimentation


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1. How can I make my reaction screening workflow faster and more efficient?

The use of automation systems, like automatic powder dispensing or liquid handling systems can greatly improve the throughput of a reaction screening process.


2. How do automated systems increase productivity?

A major advantage of automated systems is that without the need of a human operator. This allows to extend the working time of your lab to 24h a day.


3. How can the automated dispensing of chemicals improve the safety of my lab?

The automatic dispensing technology greatly decreases the risk of direct contact with hazardous chemicals. All powders are safely stored in sealed dosing heads. As the robotic system is handling all the equipment, human contact is only necessary during loading and unloading.


4. What is “Design of Experiment” (DoE) and how can it improve my reaction screening?

Design of experiments (DoE) is a systematic approach to reaction and process optimization. It involves simultaneously examining the relationship between multiple input variables (also called factors) and important output variables (also called responses). Using statistical analysis, the resulting data and results are used to find the optimal factors for the desired reactions and processes.


5. How can I analyze my reaction data?

For powder dispensing, the weighing results can directly be analyzed with the software or exported to another system. There is dedicated software available to compare parallel reaction runs (e.g., Spotfire).


6. How many samples can be run in a parallel reaction screening?

In high throughput screening laboratories, it is not uncommon to work with 96 well plates and 1 ml tubes. CHRONECT XPR offers you to prepare powder formulations in up to 3 SBS vial plates, each with 96 vials, in one run.

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