Capsule Filling

For Pre-Clinical and Clinical Studies

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Automated Capsule Filling

Capsule Filling


The Challenges of Filling Capsules


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Automated Capsule Filling Featured Solution from METTLER TOLEDO



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1. How can I increase the throughput of capsule filling?

Manually filling capsules for early phase clinical trials can be a tedious and time-consuming process involving weighing highly potent, small amounts of a drug into tiny capsules with a small diameter opening using a spatula. Using an automated capsule filling system allows capsules to be filled much faster, significantly improving throughput.


2. How can an automated system help me increase productivity in my lab?

Accurately weighing small amounts of a drug into tiny capsules with a small diameter opening using a spatula is not easy. Using an automated capsule filling system can significantly simplify the process, improving throughput and laboratory productivity.


3. How does automated capsule filling help to improve safety in my lab?

Manual capsule filling typically involves handling substances that are potentially hazardous or of unknown potency and side effects; any spillage or exposure presents a safety risk to the operator. An automated capsule filling system provides maximum protection for the user.


4. What are the time-saving benefits of an automated capsule filling system?

Automation allows much faster capsule filling, increasing throughput and simultaneously freeing up time for operators to focus on other critical tasks.

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