Oxidation Induction Time

A Guide to the Successful Determination of OIT

Ring for tilbud
Principles of OIT
Principles of OOT
OIT Determination of PE-HD
OOT and OIT of DHA50SA at 35 bar
HPDSC-Chemiluminescenc of an Oil
OOT Olive Oil in O2 by TGA and DSC
Influence of Temperature on OIT
OIT of Oils at Different Pressures
PE: Oxidation Stability

OIT Determination


ASTM D3895

OIT of polyolefins by DSC


ASTM E1858

OIT of hydrocarbons by DSC





EN 728

OIT of polyolefin pipes and fittings





ISO 11357

OIT of plastics by DSC




OIT Determination at Higher Pressure


ASTM D5483

OIT of lubricating greases by pressure DSC


ASTM D5885

OIT of polyolefin geosynthetics by HPDSC


ASTM D6186

OIT of lubricating oils by pressure DSC





CEC L-85-T-99

Hot surface oxidation of lubricating oils by pressure DSC




OOT Determination at Higher Pressure


ASTM E2009

Oxidation Onset Temperature (OOT) of hydrocarbons by DSC


What is the difference between OIT and OOT?

OIT (Oxidation Induction Time) is the time from the initial exposure to oxygen to the onset of exothermic decomposition at the isothermal temperature of the test. OOT (Oxidation Onset Temperature) is the temperature value at the onset of exothermic decomposition, measured at a given heating rate in an oxidative environment.


What is the importance of the OIT value?

OIT indicates stability of the sample towards oxidative conditions. The longer the OIT, the more stable the sample. OIT also decides shelf life of the material.


How to select temperature for OIT measurement?

Generally, it is advisable to perform an OOT measurement first. Once the onset temperature of the oxidation reaction is obtained, then the isothermal temperature for OIT analysis is selected as OOT – 30 °C. If standard test methods are used, these methods mention the test temperature to use.
In order to obtain reproducible results, OIT should be a minimum of 5 mins. If it is less, the temperature should be lowered by 10 K. If OIT is more than 1 hour, the measurement temperature should be increased by 10 K.


Which crucibles are suitable for OIT experiments?

Aluminum or copper? Both aluminum and copper crucibles can be used for OIT experiments. However, copper acts as a catalyst for oxidation reactions and gives lower OIT values. Hence, copper crucibles are used when the catalytic action is studied.


How to achieve reproducibility during OIT measurements?

For reproducible results, sample mass must be comparable when multiple measurements are performed. OIT results are temperature dependent, hence precise temperature calibration is important.


When to use High-Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry for OIT measurements?

If the OIT values are too high and have practical limitations, the use of higher oxygen pressure can increase the rate of reaction. Otherwise, if the use of high pressure conditions are mentioned in the method as per international standards, HP DSC can be used.

