Industrial and Laboratory Solutions for Mining Industry

Geological Survey & Ore Preparations

In assay laboratories and mines, weighing regulus, lead buttons and ore samples require accurate and reliable instruments. METTLER TOLEDO offers a broad portfolio of high precision balances weighing to the nearest 0.0000001 g up to 64 kg.
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Mine Operations

Whether weighing incoming raw ore, slabs of metal, iron pellets or copper anodes destined for the smelting facility, METTLER TOLEDO provides innovative and reliable heavy-duty solutions for all applications.
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Extraction & Concentration

Mining processes run under tough working conditions. METTLER TOLEDO process analytics solutions are made to withstand even the most demanding high temperature and pressure conditions.
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Purification & Finishing

Process security with regular quality control checks is important for guaranteeing high quality end products and monitoring environmental pollution. With METTLER TOLEDO instruments, quality control becomes a straightforward task.
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QC Lab & Process Development

Optimal process development and stringent quality control ensure efficient mining processes. METTLER TOLEDO Density Meters provide accurate and quick results for quality control checks and the In Situ Particle System Characterization optimizes flocculation.
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Maintenance and Repair

Service at mines requires a reliable partner
for fast and efficient support. METTLER TOLEDO provides a high level of application support and technical assistance even in the most remote locations.
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Geological Survey and
Ore Preparations
Extraction and
Purification and Finishing
QC Lab and Process development
Maintenance and Repair

Geological Survey & Ore Preparations

Highest Weighing Accuracy
Weighing plays an important role in metal mining, such as for exact precious metal content determination using the well-established gravimetric fire assay or for weighing-in large amounts of ore samples. METTLER TOLEDO balances are highly reliable and offer high-precision weighing both in the lab and when working under harsh and dusty mining conditions.

Mine operations

Reliable Heavy Duty Weighing
Incoming raw ore or refined metals are easily weighed with METTLER TOLEDO’s innovative and reliable heavy duty weighing solutions. Whether transporting the recovered materials by truck or on conveyers, METTLER TOLEDO offers the ideal scales to meet every demand.

Extraction & Concentration

Exact and Robust Process Monitoring
Process monitoring in mines demands robust and reliable solutions. In-line measurement solutions from METTLER TOLEDO master even the most demanding conditions of temperature or pressure optimizing process quality and throughput. Our solutions include several types of sensors, transmitters, housings and cleaning systems.

Purification & Finishing

Optimize Production with Just One Click
Titration is a quantitative analytical method used to determine metal content at various process stages in order to improve the leaching process or minimize chemical consumption in purification. METTLER TOLEDO’s One Click™ Titration Solutions provide accurate results at the touch of a finger.

Convenient and Accurate Regulus Weighing

With our Micro and Ultra Micro Balance, characterized by low repeatability and short stabilization time, weighing of precious metal samples for fire assay becomes reliable and fast. A specially designed funnel set allows accurate weighing of even the smallest samples, such as prill and regulus, in a very short time.

XP Microbalances & Ultra MicrobalancesOne Click™ Weighing Solutions

Reduced Rail Car Weighing Time

Weighing coupled railroad cars is time consuming as each car needs to be positioned for weighing. Thanks to the coupled in-motion rail scale and the IND9R86 rails scale controller coupling and uncoupling of rail cars becomes obsolete. Weighing occurs precisely whilst cars are moving at 3 – 5 mph, which is much faster and safer than static weighing.

XP Microbalances & Ultra Microbalances

Sensors that Last

The rugged design and solid manufacture of METTLER TOLEDO’s sensors brings durability and increased resistance to even the most demanding situations. Furthermore, the Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM) technology reduces installation, maintenance and calibration efforts to a minimum.

Conductivity Sensor / Resistivity SensorpH Sensor / ORP (Redox) SensorDissolved Oxygen Sensor / Dissolved CO2 Sensor / Turbidity

Increase Productivity in Metals Determination

Only One Click™ on the titrator’s touch screen is required to run a titration analysis for metals. Thanks to this, anyone in the lab can carry out titrations even without long training sessions. Determine up to 60 samples simultaneously with the Rondo Sample Changer and increase productivity.

One Click™ Titration SolutionsOrder Free Guide for Metal Content Determination

Simple Density Determination of Liquids Within Seconds

The density of lubricants, oils or process chemicals are tested to ensure reliable mining processes. The LiquiPhysics™ Benchtop Density Meters with their rugged design and ErgoSense™ for touch free operation, provide safe and quick measurements, even for untrained operators.

LiquiPhysics™ Benchtop Density MetersPlay the LiquiPhysics™ Excellence Game

QC Lab & Process development

Precise Instruments for an Efficient Laboratory
Stringent quality control for the exact adherence of product specifications is now possible thanks to top performing density meters, particle size- and infrared sensors and sophisticated software solutions.

Simple and Efficient Sample Handling

Tare containers of all shapes and sizes can be securely positioned on the XP and XS balances with ErgoClips – the special tare container holder. This allows direct dosing of precious samples into the desired vessel minimizing sample loss.

ErgoClips Tare Container Holder

Precise weighing of flowing material

METTLER TOLEDO offers a full range of load cells, weighing sensors and weighing modules, which enable the quick and safe conversion of a conveyor system into a scale.

Weigh Modules and Load Cells

Robust and Flexible Transmitters

Transmitters are an integral part of on-line measurement systems and are used to monitor industrial processes. A wide range of transmitters for diverse applications link the sensors securely to the process control system ensuring highest operation safety. The full diagnostic capability eliminates errors safely and quickly.


Reliable Wastewater Treatment in Mines

pH and ORP measurements to monitor cyanide decomposition requires rugged and solid sensors. The InPro4010 with its internal temperature sensor provides accurate temperature reading and compensation in one single unit. The plastic body makes this a rugged sensor with reliable performance.

InPro4010 Electrode for Water ApplicationspH Sensor / ORP (Redox) Sensor

Optimize Flocculation and Sedimentations

Flocculation is a common separation technique in mining industries and its effectiveness influences downstream separation, settling, flotation and purification. With In Situ Particle System Characterization, floc distribution can be measured in-line and in real time at full process concentrations without sampling.

In Situ Particle System Characterization:FBRM® and PVM®More on Flocculation SolutionsFree Flocculation Online Seminar

Maintenance & Repair

Worldwide Service
We serve our customers around the globe, even in the remotest areas. A global service network provides technical support, maintenance and repairs in a short response time. Safety and uptime of your operational processes are our priority.

Photo: installation of vehicle scales at McMurdo Station in Antarctica.

Precision Balances Defy Dust

Weighing in dusty mine environments places high demands on the equipment used. With the XP Excellence Precision Balances, classified according to IP54 safety class, METTLER TOLEDO offers a balance that is perfectly equipped to withstand dust and water and consistently produce accurate weighing results.

XP Precision BalancesXP-L Precision Balances

Bring Back Accuracy and Increase Profit

With our easy to install conversion kits, worn scales can easily be upgraded to return accuracy and reliability. Moreover, vehicle scale failures and unplanned repair costs can virtually be eliminated when using Powercell® load cells. Their built-in diagnostics feature monitors performance and detects problems well in advance.

Vehicle Load CellsUpgrades for Vehicle Scales

Sensor Exchange Anytime

Process interruption for cleaning sensors costs time and money. Retractable housings from METTLER TOLEDO, available in a variety of models, allow the easy and safe insertion and withdrawal of sensors without interruption of the ongoing process. The housings also protect the sensor against abrasive solids in the process medium which enhances their life time.

Retractable Process Adaption (Housings)Sensor Housings and Sensor Cleaning Systems

Manage Filtration Perfectly

In-line turbidity measurement with METTLER TOLEDO measurement solutions is ideal for monitoring filtering. Thanks to forward and back scattered light sensors, METTLER TOLEDO turbidity sensors are best suited to detect filter breakthrough and hence prevent product loss.

InPro8100 Turbidity Sensor

Sophisticated Software Solutions

LabX software securely manages the entire application from beginning to end. The software guides the user through the whole process, calculates results, generates customized reports and finally stores everything on a central server. Exactly the same method can be used for all instruments via the network and analysis data can easily be monitored from any office.

Lab Solutions powered by LabX 2010 SoftwareLabX Titration Software

METTLER TOLEDO - A trustworthy Service partner for your equipment

METTLER TOLEDO strives to meet your specific service needs. We offer a wide array of services, including a comprehensive weighing service portfolio, laboratory balance services, industrial scales service, and other measurement equipment services. Our factory trained technicians will support you in anything from scale warranty to conducting thorough balances services using professional and proprietary measuring tools. Keeping your equipment compliant and at peak performance throughout its lifecycle, METTLER TOLEDO services scale the support required for your equipment.

Let us be your trusted advisor and provide the necessary service balance between environment requirements and your production needs.

Explore our Services - Tailored to Fit your Equipment

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