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Transmitter M800 Process 1-CH

The single-channel M800 Process is a multi-parameter transmitter that provides high-performance, reliable measurement with a convenient full-color touch screen and the ability to integrate with a wide range of ISM and analog sensors.

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Transmitter M800 Process 2-CH

The two-channel M800 Process is a multi-parameter transmitter that provides high-performance, reliable measurement with a convenient full-color touch screen and the ability to integrate with a wide range of ISM sensors.

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Transmitter M800 Process 4-CH

The four-channel M800 Process is a multi-parameter transmitter that provides high-performance, reliable measurement with a convenient full-color touch screen and the ability to integrate with a wide range of ISM sensors.

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Transmitter M800 Process 1-CH SS

The single-channel M800 Process is a multi-parameter transmitter with a stainless steel enclosure that provides high-performance, reliable measurement and offers the ability to integrate with a wide range of ISM and analog sensors.

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Transmitter M800 Process 2-CH SS

The two-channel M800 Process is a multi-parameter transmitter with a stainless steel enclosure that provides high-performance, reliable measurement and offers the ability to integrate with a wide range of ISM sensors.

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Transmitter M800 Process 4-CH SS

The four-channel M800 Process is a multi-parameter transmitter with a stainless steel enclosure that provides high-performance, reliable measurement and offers the ability to integrate with a wide range of ISM sensors.

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