What is SmartCal?

SmartCal is a highly temperature-sensitive granular material with a defined moisture content. It is an ideal test substance for moisture analyzers because a specific amount of moisture is released depending on the applied drying temperature: the higher the drying temperature, the higher the measured moisture content. SmartCal enables the verification of the performance of a moisture analyzer with a simple 10-minute test.

Why should I test my moisture analyzer with SmartCal?

A key benefit of the SmartCal test method is that it monitors overall instrument performance, i.e. the heating and the weighing unit together, rather than testing each element separately. Regular testing with SmartCal between service and calibration intervals is a fast, easy, and cost-effective way to ensure that all results produced by the moisture analyzer are accurate and quality requirements are fulfilled.

What is the benefit of SmartCal compared to other moisture analyzer test substances, such as sodium tartrate?

Test substances like sodium tartrate or sodium chloride also have a defined moisture content but are not temperature sensitive. This means that regardless of the applied temperature, the same amount of moisture is released. Consequently, these substances are not suitable to test the heating unit of a moisture analyzer as they can only verify the weighing system (see illustration below). In contrast, SmartCal, as previously described, is a highly temperature-dependent test substance that ensures the accuracy of the drying temperature (selected vs. actual) to be confirmed, making it suitable for testing the performance of the weighing and heating components of a moisture analyzer.

The amount of moisture released by sodium tartare or 5% sodium chloride in the solution does not vary between 100 - 130 C, making these substances unsuitable for the verification of the heating component of a moisture analyzer.

SmartCal Graph

What are the SmartCal control limits and where are they applicable?

The SmartCal control limits for current METTLER TOLEDO moisture analyzers have been established taking into account all current product families (HE53/73, HC103, HS153, and HX204). All these moisture analyzers are manufactured with the aid of SmartCal and are therefore guaranteed to lie within the specified control limits. Older MT instruments (including HB43-S and HR73/83) were not produced with SmartCal and the specified control limits are not applicable.

How should I interpret the SmartCal test results?

If the moisture analyzer is working correctly, the test result, determined at a specific drying temperature, should vary around a mean value and lie within the control limits (as shown below), although not necessarily in the middle of the specified range.

SmartCal test results lie within the control limits over time. Each test result is indicated by a blue square. Control limits (tolerances) are indicated by pink lines.

SmartCal Test

How do I get started with SmartCal?

Every customer should start using SmartCal with the StarterPac. It includes all the necessary tools and documentation to properly work with SmartCal.

Does SmartCal eliminate the need for temperature and balance tests?

No, it does not! Maintaining the accuracy of an instrument and reducing the risk of being out of specification requires testing by a qualified service provider and the user. The following approach is recommended for risk-based performance monitoring of a moisture analyzer:

  • Calibration (service engineer)
  • SmartCal test (user and service engineer)
  • Temperature calibration (user and service engineer)
  • Metrological testing (user and service engineer)

For further information on routine testing, refer to the white paper:

Is my instrument performing correctly if the result lies within the control limits?

For the first measurement, this is true. However, the control limits also include the instrument-to-instrument variation of the complete current portfolio and are therefore not sufficient to judge a single instrument. In addition, you need to carefully judge/analyze your SmartCal results. The SmartCal values should show good repeatability, results should not jump around, and there should be neither a clear upward nor downward trend of the SmartCal values.

Please refer to the SmartCal User Guide (Chapter 4).

Can SmartCal be used with non-MT moisture analyzers?

Yes! SmartCal can be used with any moisture analyzer. However, the control limits provided by MT are only applicable to the current portfolio (HX204, HS153, HC103, HE73, and HE53).